Sunday, March 15, 2009

Make Money With No Job - Is There a Secret?

(My Original Blog Post:

By Sammy Zoom

Haven't we heard that before? Is it possible to make money with no job? Even though the economy is a wreck, people are really making a lot of money online and taking their home business seriously but it's still not a job. A job has a boss and he has a boss and on and on. When you make money from home, the fact that you don't have a boss can be good or bad.

See there is no one breathing down your neck and telling you what to do, that's good. And, there is no one breathing down your neck and telling you what to do, and that's bad.

Because the truth is, that most people don't take a home business seriously enough to work it as if it were a job. So, if you're not motivated to actually work without someone telling you to, then you won't succeed in a home based business. Now, if there were a way to work a couple of hours a day follow a simple routine and then go about your business, many people would jump at the opportunity.

Sounds like a pipe dream. For many it is. For a few it's not.

Making money at home takes Desire, Discipline, Skills, and most of all, Persistence. And looking at what I just wrote, I would say you would need to have those qualities in that order. Without Desire, then you truly want nothing for yourself or your family. Desire is the fuel that will drive your business. Without Discipline, you're going nowhere.

Discipline is the vehicle that's going to take you there. Without Skills, you will fail. Skills and education will train you to do the right things on the road to making money. Without Persistence, your business dies. Persistence is the roadmap that you will follow, and return to, when you go off track. If you don't persist in your business, you will quit and not make any money.

In order to make money with no job, anyone can follow basic principles of business, to achieve success with any company you desire.

Does your JOB let you work in your underwear? Mine does, let me show you how you can make an extra $3,905 every month like clockwork for FREE from the comfort of your home utilizing a secret make money with no job marketing strategy from the Creator of

Sammy is a veteran internet entrepreneur who is revolutionizing the way most people make money today. He teaches simple techniques that anyone can use to put extra cash in their pockets from their homes.

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